6-10-21_0441-ORF_DxO_after-1400px by The foto Experience...
The foto Experience With Matt Suess's Gallery The foto Experience With Matt Suess's Gallery
  1. The foto Experience With Matt Suess' Gallery
  2. Photo Workshops and Tours
  3. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA
  4. Grand Teton Milky Way & Night Sky
  5. Grand Teton Milky Way Promotional PhotosGrand Teton Milky Way Promotional Photos
  6. 6-10-21_0441-ORF_DxO_after-1400px6-10-21_0441-ORF_DxO_after-1400px

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Item information:

Milky Way Over Jackson Lake 1200px (Night sky Milky Way and stars at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Jackson Lake Overlook)
7-2-19_1224-ORF_1400px (Milky Way at Colter Bay in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming group photo workshop students)
9-23-22_0020-final1_Radiant-1400px (Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming)
9-23-22_0057-blend-final2-1400px (Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming)
7-12-18_0644 (Milky Way over the T.A. Moulton Barn along Mormon Row in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.)
Cunningham Cabin Milky Way 1100px (Made from 10 images by Starry Landscape Stacker 1.4.0.)
Suess-9-25-22_0150-1200px (Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming)
Suess-Mt-Moran-Milky-Way-1200px (Made from 14 light frames by Starry Landscape Stacker 1.8.0.  Algorithm: Min Horizon Noise)
Suess-String-Lake-Milky-Way-1200px (Made from 21 light frames by Starry Landscape Stacker 1.8.0.  Algorithm: Min Horizon Noise)
Tetons-Milky-Way-students 1400px (Night sky Milky Way and stars at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Jackson Lake Overlook)
6-30-19_348-C1-v2larger (Made from 14 light frames by Starry Landscape Stacker 1.8.0.  Algorithm: Min Horizon Noise)
9-26-22_0359-v4-blend_Radiant (Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming)
7-12-18_0051-Median-camera-raw (Made from 10 light frames (captured with a SONY camera) with 3 dark frames by Starry Landscape Stacker 1.6.1.  Algorithm: Median)
9-24-22_0125-final-v1 (Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming)
8-12-21_3271_em1x-ORF_DxO_DeepPRIME_C1-1 (2021 August Milky Way Photo Workshop Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming)
6-9-21_0255_C1-Min Horizon Noise copy 3
6-10-21_0530_C1 1
String Lake Milky Way 2016 (Milky Way night photos during summer at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming at String Lake.)
An Hour at the Chapel of the Transfiguration (The Chapel of the Transfiguration during an almost 1 hour long exposure of the night sky and stars looking towards the North Star in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.)

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